Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
70409 Revue d'histoire nordique = Nordic historical review 1778-9605 Pôle Européen Jean Monnet (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail)
795395 IBAR Pr Alan Rice
791144 Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizon 2800-1273 Pr Hafsi Abbas
775129 International Review of Management And Computer 2550-6161 Pr. Adil EL AMRI
849129 International Journal of Computer Engineering and Data Science (IJCEDS) 2737-8543 Pr. Mohamed LACHGAR, National School of Applied Sciences, El Jadida, Morocco
149181 SCEE 2664-9543 Pr. Mohamed N. HARMAS
725869 Tunisian Journal of Medecinal Plants and Natural Products 1737-8907 Pr. Zine Mighri
14612 International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior 1093-4537 Pracademic Press
39711 Journal of Public Budgeting Accounting and Financial Management 1096-3367 Pracademic Press
117035 Comparative Legilinguistics International Journal for Legal Communication 2080-5926 Pracownia Legilingwistyki
110837 Enterprise Development and Microfinance 1755-1978 Practical Action Publishing in association with GSE Research
1982 Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation 1531-7714 Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation
5534 Institute on Securities Regulation (Practising Law Institute) 0195-5756 Practising Law Institute
98412 Souvislosti, revue pro literatutu a kulturu Prague
179242 European Financial and Accounting Journal Prague University of Economics and Business
169193 Oeconomica Prague University of Economics and Business
57639 Byzantinoslavica : revue internationale des études byzantines 0007-7712 Praha : Euroslavica
7910 The Prairie School Review 0032-6674 Prairie School Press
78736 Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal 1932-9466 Prairie View A&M University
107069 International Journal of Management - Theory and Applications (IREMAN) Praise Worthy Prize
71928 International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation 2039-5086 Praise Worthy Prize
36061 International Review of Electrical Engineering 1827-6660 Praise Worthy Prize
78457 International Review of civil Engineering 2036-9913 Praise Worthy Prize
105853 International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS) 1828-6003 Praise Worthy Prize
55685 International Review of Automatic Control 1974-6059 Praise worthy prize
4510 education digest 0013-127X Prakken Publications Inc
8404 School Shop 0036-682X Prakken Publications, Inc
8405 School Shop Tech Directions 1050-3749 Prakken Publications, Inc
8817 Tech directions 1062-9351 Prakken Publications, Inc
3200 Artist's Proof 0571-2149 Pratt Graphic Art Center
7931 Print Review 0091-3731 Pratt Graphics Center
162714 Zbornik znanstvenih razprav / Slovenian Law Review [Revue de droit slovène] 1581-9531 Pravna fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani [Faculté de droit, Université de Ljubljana] (Ljubljana, Slovénie) [1921-....]
36895 Zbornik znanstvenih razprav / Ljubljana Law Review [Revue de droit de Ljubljana] 1854-3839 Pravna fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani [Faculté de droit, Université de Ljubljana] (Ljubljana, Slovénie) [1991-....]
119046 Intelektualna Svojina Internet Pravni Fakultet
584322 Le discours hors-norme(s) ou l’atypie du discours 1234-5678 Praxiling
21560 Nursing Praxis in New Zealand 0112-7438 Praxis
26961 Praxis juridique et religion Praxis juridique et religion
38221 Algorithmic Operations Research 1718-3235 Preeminent Academic Facets
601799 Grassfields. Revue des sciences historiques 2709-9989 Premières Lignes
576591 Classica 1966-7892 Premières Loges
32422 L'avant-scène OpéraRameau. Les Paladins Premières loges
164667 Investigación y ciencia 0210-136X Prensa Científica
788004 Archiletras Científica - Revista de Investigación de Lengua y Letras 2659-8957 Prensa y Servicios de la Lengua, PSL - Grupo Monterraina
127864 Ondina - Ondine 2605-079X Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza
3983 Coaching Clinic 0009-9880 Prentice-Hall
109634 Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Dramatica 1842-2799 Presa Universitară Clujeană
149231 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philosophia 1221-8138 Presa Universitară Clujeană
126 Americana (Hollywood) : the Journal of American Popular Culture 1553-8931 Press Americana
984283 Ex Professo 2543-3512 Press Of El Oued University
40052 New Nutrition Business 1464-3308 PressAhead Publications Ltd